Vehicle Use Rules
Effective: August 19, 2020
We consider no phase of operations or administration of being a greater importance than collision prevention.
Our policy has always been and will continue to be:
- Obey speed limits; excessive speed is a major cause of collisions.
All occupants of a vehicle being used for company business must wear a seat belt. Wearing a seat belt improves your chances of survival if you are involved in a collision.
- Signal well in advance of turning, changing lanes or stopping.
- Reverse and change lanes only when absolutely necessary.
- Use the inside lane only when absolutely necessary.
- Tailgating will not be tolerated.
Maintain reasonable distance, allow for speed, road and weather conditions.
- Never contest right-of-way. Always yield to avoid collision.
- Adjust for others merging into traffic flow
- Merge into traffic without forcing yourself in.
- Obey all traffic signs and signals with a full and complete stop.
Do not pass any vehicles at intersections, railroad crossings or where vision may be limited.
- Drivers will perform a daily vehicle safety inspection (Pre-Trip).
Wheels of all trailers are to be chocked during
Drivers will follow all applicable State and Federal regulations.
Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be cause for immediate termination. If a driver is on prescribed medication, this information should be reported to the Fleet Manager. The manager will determine if driving is still acceptable.
The use of Radar detectors is prohibited while driving for work; their purpose is to attempt to evade the law.
If there is a possibility of objects flying out of the vehicle, cargo tie-downs or covers are to be used. All loads are to be inspected prior to starting by the driver.
Collisions are to be reported IMMEDIATELY to the Fleet Manager. Collision investigation forms are to be completed by the driver at the scene of the collision.
- NEVER ADMIT FAULT at a collision scene. Be cordial and polite.
Tickets and moving motor vehicle violations that occur while driving for work are to be reported to the Fleet Manager within 24 hours.
Driving Restrictions
The driver should not drive a vehicle for business if one or more of the following conditions exist:
He/she is physically or mentally impaired to a level that would reduce his/her capability to operate a motor vehicle at a safe level (impairments may include but are not limited to, a severe heart condition, poor eyesight, a history of mental disorders, or use of a prescription drug that would adversely impact his/her ability to drive).
- The vehicle is in an unsafe operating condition.
- Traveling is unsafe due to severe weather conditions.
Distracted Driving
Scope and Applicability
The Cell Phone/Electronic Device Use Policy applies to all employees of who fit any or all of the following criteria:
- Driving on business in any vehicle, personal or otherwise
- Driving a company car, whether on company business or not
- Placing work-related calls, whether driving on company business or not
Using a company-issued cell phone or other electronic device while driving
General Procedures
Use of cell phones while driving is strictly prohibited - this includes all functions of the cell phone including, but not limited to, phone calls, text messaging/SMS, e-mail, MMS, Internet use, camera use, etc.
Use of electronic devices - including laptops, PDAs, cameras and pagers - while driving is strictly prohibited unless specifically outlined below
Voicemail must handle all calls while driving, and calls may only be returned when stopped or pulled off the road
Passengers making or taking calls for the driver is permissible provided the interaction does not affect the driver's performance
Regular callers must be informed that you will not be available while driving and should be notified of the best times to call based on driving schedule
Employees who receive calls from co-workers who are driving are obligated to ask that the co-worker call back at a more appropriate time
Headset/Hands-Free Use
The use of headsets or hands-free devices while driving is permissible IF:
- Device is pre-approved by for use
Use of the device does not cause distraction (i.e., fiddling with the device or taking eyes off road to get it to function properly)
Any dialing or use of the handset is handled while stopped or pulled to the side of the road
- Conversations do not interfere with the driver's ability to drive safely
- Road conditions are generally good and do not threaten your safety
Driver Selection & Hiring
All drivers must complete the driver selection process. The Fleet Manager will be responsible for overseeing the process and insuring that all necessary criteria are met.
In order to ensure that our drivers will be capable of safe vehicle operation, the following selection process will be utilized.
Driver's License: A visual check of the driver's license should be made. The license should be current, valid, and of the correct type for the driver's job. A photocopy (front & back) should be made for the employee's file.
As a condition of employment, Motor Vehicle Reports (MVRs) for each driver will be reviewed prior to hiring and will be requested annually thereafter. More than two moving violations or collisions, during any 12-month period will be reason for not hiring a prospective driver. For current employees, any violation will be discussed with the Fleet Manager (the company disciplinary policy may be used for corrective action).
Evaluation of the MVR information will be made as follows:
- Any driver with one major violation will be considered unacceptable.
Any driver having 3 or more minor violations will be considered unacceptable.
Any driver having a total accumulation of 10 points will be considered as unacceptable.
MVR Evaluation
Each Violation
Driving without a license (i.e., never had a valid license vs. "left at home")
Driving while license is suspended or revoked
D.U.I.N. (narcotics)
Any "serious" violation from 1 to 10 mph. over speed limit
Any speeding violation from 1 to 10 mph. over speed limit if operator is over 21 years old
if operator is 21 years old or under
Any speeding violation from 11 to 20 mph. over speed limit
if operator is over 21 years old
if operator is 21 years old or under
Any speeding violation 21 mph. or more over speed limit
if operator is over 21 years old
if operator is 21 years old or under
Any "standard" moving violation; i.e., careless driving, speed too fast for conditions but within normal limit, stop sign, lane crossover, failure to signal, failure to keep right, following too close
Any (preventable) chargeable B.I. collision
Any (preventable) chargeable P.D. collision
Annual MVR reviews will be completed on
The following criteria will be used on a 12-month review basis:
- Clean Record -- No action
One moving violation -- Discussion/evaluation with Fleet
Manager (DUI type of infraction will result in immediate
- One collision -- No Fault -- No action
One collision -- Driver Fault -- Discussion/evaluation with Fleet Manager plus semi-annual review of MVR
Moving violation -- Discussion/evaluation with Fleet Manager plus semi-annual review of MVR
One collision and one moving violation---Probation for one year, quarterly review of driving record.
- More than one moving violations - Suspension of driving privileges
- Two or more driver fault collisions -- Termination of driving
Two moving violations and one collision -- Termination of driving privileges
Collision Investigation
Although the goal of our company is to attempt to prevent all collisions, we realize that some collisions may occur. The following procedures provide a guideline to completing collision investigations. Collision Investigation forms are available from your supervisor and should be kept in your glove box.
After a Collision
Check to make sure that you are OK. Collect your thoughts for a minute and become apprised of what just occurred. This is a very stressful situation no matter how minor the crash is.
Make sure that your vehicle is in a safe location and not a hazard to others. We do not want to be the cause of a secondary crash. Use reflective triangles if you have them.
Call emergency services (911) immediately. Aid the injured if possible and only provide medical care if you are appropriately trained.
- Call the Fleet Manager.
Obtain key driver information if another vehicle is involved. Provide name of company, license number, name of insurance and policy number to other driver.
- Complete collision investigation form. Fill in all applicable blanks.
If you have a camera, take photos from at least four sides of the scene. Try to show the full scene in the pictures; streets, traffic sign's, all vehicles involved, damage to the vehicles, etc.
Provide copies of the completed Collision Investigation form to the Fleet Manager for distribution.
Collision Investigations will be reviewed by key personnel and corrective actions developed. Causes of collisions should not be oversimplified. Some items to be considered when establishing collision cause and related corrective action include:
- Driver condition.
- Scheduling (hours behind the wheel)
- Adverse Driving Conditions.
- Vehicle Maintenance
- Road Conditions.
- Other vehicle issues